You’ve got to be kidding me!
I try to understand. I really do. I actively look for things that President Trump is doing right. Recently there was a bill signed by him supporting kids with autism. That’s great! Several people have pointed out to me that the unemployment rate is the lowest in the United States that it has been in decades. Well done! There have been some other things as well. I applaud all of them. That’s what the President and Congress are supposed to do. None of these are small things. They affect many people and are well deserved.
Where I have a problem with this President is the laundry list of things he’s killed. Environmental protection laws, laws protecting consumers, the relaxing of banking and financial laws, the selling off of National Parks and Preserves, all disturb me. These laws are in place for a reason.
My Republican friends all have complained for years about these laws. They insist that these laws impede businesses. I nod. Yes. They do impede businesses. They complain that it drives up costs to consumers. Yep. I agree. They do. So why do I agree with them? Because businesses are out solely for a profit. They have in the past and will in the future, produce any shoddy product, release any food/beverage/medicine/medical device/toy they can with lead paint, toxic materials, poor and unsafe design, and/or dump their toxic waste wherever they want, if they can get away with it. Recently a pharmaceutical executive was recorded as saying that the pharmaceutical industry wasn’t in the healthcare business, they were in the profit business. You see what I mean? They don’t care about the average citizen. They’ll release anything, recently for example, we’re hearing about breast implants, whether it causes problems for the users or not. And this is a problem. Without oversight, they’ll pollute, poison us and the air, water, and land, run roughshod over our rights and cheat us at every chance they get. Yes, we need those laws.
My other problem with this President, and more importantly than the attack on consumers, is his predilection for breaking the law. There’s a reason the pundits are calling this a constitutional crisis. The President, almost weekly as far as I can tell, violates the Constitution. He complains about it. “It’s too hard! he’s whined, to follow the Constitution. He’s taken to calling it “fake.” Fake! The Constitution. Are you kidding me?
When he directs military aircraft to refuel at a tiny airport in Scotland and mandates that our officers and enlisted people be dragged half an hour away to his high-end, failing, golf resort to spend their hard-earned money, that’s a violation of the constitution. When he profits from administration people staying at his hotels and resorts, that’s a violation of the constitution. When foreign countries book rooms in his failing hotels, that’s a violation. When he colludes with dictators on foreign policy to line his own pockets, that’s a violation. Every. Time.
We won’t go into his nepotism, cronyism, violation of national security by blurting out top secret information. Whole other balls of wax, there. Possibly those are criminal law violations. And let’s not forget his children. Running all over the world, supposedly on national business but coming away with contracts for new hotels and golf properties. Well. That sounds like personal business. Not national business.
So about the link above. In the middle of the impeachment process, this pastor issued a threat. That threat. And not only that. I’ve heard other people, people actually on my friends lists, make the same threats. If the president gets impeached, Democrats better hide. Really? Death threats. Unbelievable. People had better take a breath.
The impeachment process so far has been behind closed doors and conducted by the House Intelligence committee. That’s because the Justice Department, Mr. Bill Barr to be specific, refused to appoint a special investigator, as was done for Presidents Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon. Since this is an opinion piece, my two-cents-worth is that Bill Barr is involved in the cover-up. I could be wrong. He could simply be a dupe. In the meantime, the egregious list of crimes is being investigated. Especially concerning Ukraine. Then there’s the possible collusion during the 2016 election that the Mueller report detailed.
What many people forget, as they loudly complain about the initial, fact-finding investigation portion of the proceedings, is that there are Republicans on the committee. I’ve seen reports from one or more of those Republicans who admit, they haven’t attended, haven’t asked any questions, and haven’t read any of the committee reports. So who’s fault is that? Theirs. All theirs. The complaining is, to use the president’s own words, “fake news”, all generated to create a storm of fake outrage.
Announcements have been made that the open sessions portion of the process will begin soon. The Intelligence committee are still fact-finding. That’s made difficult by the ridiculous posturing of administration lackey’s still currying favor with the President. They take up valuable court time and taxpayer money fighting the subpoenas to appear. If they really wanted to defend the President, all they’d have to do is show up and tell their side. That’s not possible though if the accusations are true. Any parent worth her salt knows the signs, of course, to tell when someone is telling a lie or dodging the questions.
I for one, want the President, his colluding children, and his lick-spittle lackeys out of the White House, the Judiciary, the Congress, the State Department and the rest of the Administration. To those who have issued death threats because their Beloved Leader may be impeached. I say rot in jail with him and them. Good riddance.
Note: Edited to correct link.