I started this blog, for the most part, to vent my feelings on the actions and behaviors of the 45th President of the United States.
My feelings on his administration can be viewed in my past blogs, it’s no mystery how I felt. At the end of his administration, especially after January 6th, I was exhausted. I figured, after January 20th, that would be it. He lost, he left, no more hearing about whatever latest absurdity, lie, or crazy conspiracy theory he cared to spout.
Boy was I wrong. Things were still on lock down so 2021 was mild. Yeah, he was still spouting nonsense on his own social media site but I could easily ignore that. It was the rantings of an insane person, railing at the unfairness of the universe. Get in line, buddy. But after the vaccines came out and people were moving around more freely, all of his crap just intensified.
But to be honest, I just couldn’t muster the gumption to comment. I was exhausted by his lies and bluster. And anyway, who could comment on the daily flow of sewage coming from the manchild? So I did my best to ignore him.
That’s obviously not working.
He’s won the Iowa Caucus. Sigh. He won with about 51% of the vote. Watching, briefly, some reporting this morning (the 16th of January), I see that he had about 56,000 votes. Ron DeSantis had 26,000, and Nikki Haley had 21,000 votes. I know Iowa doesn’t have a huge population but geez, 100,000 voters? Really? So I looked it up.
Iowa has about 687,000 Republican voters. That’s all of the Republicans who were registered and qualified to vote in the caucuses yesterday. So, basically, 1/7th of the qualified voters went to the caucus to vote. In a state that only has about 6 million voters, that’s a pretty poor turn out.
Of course, there was bad weather. I totally understand people not wanting to get out in that. Also, polling may have discouraged people from turning out. President 45 was favored to win, so why get out? But really, just 56,000? This is the bell weather for the entire nation? I hardly think so.
My guess is the Iowans didn’t like any of the choices and the bad weather gave them an excuse to stay home. After all, the whole lot of them are proclaiming nutso extreme stands for their first days in office.
The orange wonder has publically and repeatedly declared he’d be a dictator on the first day in office. Not the second day, mind you, or the days after, just the first day. Oh. My. God. Have you ever heard of a dictator that stays just a day?
Nikki Haley has declared that she’ll move the retirement age to over 70. Now, I’ve pretty much done desk work my whole life. I could have extended my retirement date to far into my future. But my parents were blue collar workers. They would never have even made it to 68, let alone to over 70. Most of the people in the United States do heavy, difficult manual labor for a living. Their bodies just can’t do it. Shame on that elite, entitled no-nothing cow.
And Ron DeSantis. I’ve left the second worst for last. He’s quickly turning Florida into the Christian Nationalist state the Republican Party is working toward. Book banning, a quack for the State Medical Officer, attacking anyone who isn’t CIS, White, old, male, NAZI’s in the streets attacking anyone they think is an enemy, the list goes on.
So, all that said, I’m back. I’m pissed. I’m not going to take it lying down. A new post is coming tomorrow or the next day because, well, because I need to do something. Stay tuned.