It’s Not Convenient to Follow the Constitution

Lea Ecker
3 min readOct 23, 2019


So, Just Erase It!

That’s what the President said.

Drawing by Boudica’s Bestie, 2017

Well. It would have been convenient if you’d have divested yourself of your businesses like any other President or high-ranking government official. It would be convenient if you hadn’t filled White House advisor posts, State Department ambassadorships, and Cabinet posts with family, friends, and high dollar donors.

There’s a reason that nepotism is frowned upon. There’s a reason why the Department of State operates according to long thought about policies and procedures. It’s not difficult to avoid conflicts of interest if you follow those established policies and procedures. Donald Trump is the President, not the Emperor. He can’t just do whatever the hell he wants to do.

And so, now he whines and cries that Congress is being unfair. The Democrats are picking on him. What is this Emoluments clause in the Constitution anyway? He’s actually said, It has to be some made up thing. I imagine him thinking, It’s keeping me from becoming Emperor of the Universe!”

Funny thing about the American public. We have a tendency to just drift along, minding our own business, not thinking too much about what our government is doing. Why? Because we’re all supposed to be living, working, playing, to the same standards. That our elected officials will follow nationally agreed upon customs and courtesies and who should have subscribed to the basic understanding that people in government are there to serve the American public. They’re not supposed to be there to line their own pockets or create a dictatorship.

But once we see that a lying dog has invaded our government, well, we wake up. We start looking at the person or persons that are doing their best to change our republic to a hideous dystopia run by a madman and his henchmen. We don’t like that. Not at all. We start making noise. We try to be polite about it at first. There are ways, after all, following our own Constitution, to make a course correction if our government has over-stepped its bounds. Mr. Trump is complaining about that process. Too bad.

I suspect he slept through his history lessons in school. We’re a people who have taken matters into our own hands before. He should be thankful we’re using the polite approach. It’s too late for him to clean house now. The current investigation is focusing on Ukraine. However, over the last two plus years, he’s broken the Emoluments clause several times in several ways. He’s committed treason, at least as far as I’m concerned, when he worked with the Russians to rig the 2016 and now, it looks like the 2020 elections. He’s violated ethics policies. He’s engaged in nepotism, conflicts of interest, and all-around bad judgement. His cronies haven’t helped him. They’ve helped destroy him. I suspect they’ll be going down with him. When at least 10 of 18 cabinet members are under investigation, I call that telling.

To those that think I’m picking on The Donald. I’m not. I’m calling foul on a person who is doing his or her best to destroy our country. I’ll call out anyone else that I see doing the same. If there’s someone playing fast and lose with the Constitution, our laws, our basic human decency, start an investigation. We don’t have room for that in our country.

No one. Absolutely no one, is above the law.



Lea Ecker
Lea Ecker

Written by Lea Ecker

Retired military, old as dirt, tired of all the crap. This is me, speaking up about it.

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