It’s a long game after all.
What’s a Donald to do? After years of scamming, lying, coercing, grifting, and coercing, has the Donald finally come to the end? Maybe.
It depends on how much integrity the individual Republican members of Congress and the Senate can muster.
For a news cycle that generally only has to process one major presidential faux paux every four years, Don the Con has simply overwhelmed the system. How can the media or the American electorate possibly process one blockbuster, law-breaking, mind-blowing action not only once a week but multiple times per week?
Some people, maybe Don the Con’s, people, think that they can just simply overwhelm us. Give them a tsunami, is the possible thought. I have no idea. The very thought of trying to think like a Trump supporter gives me a headache. The sheer disregard of rational thought, of ethical behavior, of rejecting doing the right thing for the good of the entire country, is so totally foreign to me to be a thought exercise in what an alien from another galaxy would think. I cannot fathom it.
I started writing these posts to not only whine about the Don — but to try and clarify in my own mind, what the hell was going on. Things in this presidency have moved at a speed that actually defies all physics. Actions and pronouncements and policy changes that in any other presidency, Democratic or Republican, that would have elicited howls of outrage, have in Trump’s presidency just elicited shrugs and comments: That’s just Trump.
If, over the last few years since his inauguration, any other President, say with the last names of Obama or Clinton, had done what Trump has done, the howls of protest from the right-wing would have shattered the earth. Instead, various Republican party congressmen and senators have just marched in lockstep with the president. Now, I’m not a big conspiracy theorist, but that kind of party loyalty hasn’t been seen in, well, ever. Maybe the Nazi Party? I don’t know. I don’t want to call the Republicans Nazis but really? What the hell? Have you all lost all of your minds? All of your individual will? Your humanity? What has Trump got on you all?
Here’s what I see. Don the Con (con being con-man here), actually released, not transcripts, but a summary, of a phone call or phone calls between him and the newly elected president of Ukraine. He admits he was fishing for the Ukrainian president to reopen — some investigation? Of former vice-president Joe Biden and his son Hunter for some real or imagined transgression in the Ukraine. I’ve been listening and to be honest, the circumstances here seem more than a little contrived. Something about a Ukrainian prosecutor, that’s supposed to be so corrupt the Ukraine dismissed him. Trump trying to bring that prosecutor back as a “good guy”? What a mess!
Disregarding the icky factor of going after a son of the former vice president, by asking for the reinstatement of a prosecutor declared by his own country to be too corrupt for them to tolerate, how criminal does a president have to be to be totally unacceptable to any honorable, honest American? Doesn’t that reek to anyone of a corrupt and intolerable despot?
He’s straight up said that yes, that he was trying to force Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden. There’s also the part where he’s trying to get them to say it wasn’t Russia who interfered in the 2016 election. He breaks the constitution regularly. Sometimes multiple times in a single week. This is while complaining it’s just not possible to follow the laws in the Constitution.
It’s not hard, Don the Con, if you’re not a criminal. But when every move you make is criminal, well, then, yeah. I guess it is hard to follow the Constitution. You’re following the same methodology as President as you did in your many, failed, businesses. It’s not going to work this time. The stakes are a lot higher here.
I’m not having it.
Trump is a liar, pure and simple. He’s playing some sort of con, that’s for sure. No one aligns himself with dictators, despots, and mob bosses unless that’s his goal. I’m not saying we need to change Don the Con’s name. However, Don the Con should be re-defined. It should be Don the Convict. No one so egregiously against the constitution of the United States should be allowed to stand. It’s way past time for the impeachment. If Republicans have a shred of decency left, the Senate will convict him when the time comes.
That’s my opinion, pure and simple. If you don’t understand where I’m coming from, you haven’t been paying attention. Go back and check out what others have been complaining about in the Trump administration. If you can substitute the names Clinton or Obama into Trump’s policy changes, legal rollbacks, and pronouncements and be happy with those changes, well, good for you. But if the simple name replacement has you howling with outrage, you’re part of the problem. Re-assess what you think is going on in your government.
It’s time for all good citizens to take a hard look at President Trump and his cabinet. This is your call to action. Use it wisely. Mistakes could cost us all our freedom. Vote. Vote wisely. This could be our last chance.
NOTE: Edited 10/18/19 to correct factual errors.