It’s been a while. I know. I said that a year ago. In my defense, the unending firehose of lies, misinformation, scandal, and let’s face it, sheer stupidity, was too much to write about.
Once upon a time, a reporter or even more recently, a blogger, wasn’t inundated with a tsunami of bad news on a daily basis. A businessman or politician only did one criminal thing in an election cycle, or even in their entire time in office. A writer had time to consider the miscreant’s action and make some valid assessment of what the action was, who was involved, what the consequences were and finally, what the resulting punishment would be.
That is no longer the case. The hits come daily. Sometimes even multiple times a day. Every action is lower, more debased, more criminal than the last one. And now the orange menace has eager helpers. People lined up after his first administration to shower this sub-human with devotion and jockey for position as the most heinous person on the planet.
Now the menace is choosing possible appointees to cabinet positions. Every one is an election denier, probable sex offender or worse, pedophile, or business fraud, or person who demonstrates the level of cruelty to those who are not billionaires that would make Satan blush. The revelation last year of Project 2025 makes that perfectly clear. The oligarchy is being born in front of our eyes.
His supporters say “he’s not going to do that,” “that isn’t even possible,” or if you are a big supporter of deportation, “he’s only going to deport the criminals.” Sigh. Can he start with himself and his proposed cabinet and hangers-on?
Anyway, I have to say something. Even if I have to write daily. Even if there’s no time to get what’s happening straight in my mind. If it’s coming from Trump or his VP or any of his cabinet or supporters, I’m going to assume it’s bad news for the United States of America.
This is not the time to remain quiet or to dispair. Today our new congress people and Senators are being sworn in and as I write this, voting for the Speaker of the House is in progress. Will Johnson win? Will Jefferies? Will it be someone else from the Republican/MAGA back bench? We don’t know. What I do know is that we all need to have our representatives on speed dial, on group text or email, and let them know what we’re thinking.
Our forefathers had it right. We all need to hang together in this or we will surely hang separately.